定 价:28 元
- 作者:杨凤 著,董利晓,覃爱东,李晓霞 译
- 出版时间:2009/8/1
- ISBN:9787010080604
- 出 版 社:人民出版社
- 中图法分类:H313
- 页码:188
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:大32开
Based on the combination of human development theories with feminist theories, this book has made deep analysis of the problems concerning womens development in contemporary China and put forward realistic solutions to these problems. Chapter one probes into the key and hot points of women s development in the transforming period and asks what the reasonable mode of womens development is. Chapter two gives theoretical analysis of womens development and emphasizes the significance of gender perspective in human development. Chapter three reviews the historical course of Chinese womens development covering its merits and demerits,experience and characteristics of contemporary womens development in China from the perpectives of capability development,social involvement,womens image and personality development,presenting a panoramic view of contemporary Chinese womens development.Chapter five puts forward practival ways to promoting womens development in contemporary China.
I am greatly delighted by the publication of this book for it is thefirst book to fully contribute to the studies of the development of con-temporary Chinese women.
My interest in feminism was initiated when Le Deuxidme Sexe(The Second Sex) by Simone de Beauvoir was first introduced to Chi-na. Then I was greatly impressed by feminisms unique critical per-spectives. Therefore, when Yang Feng, a candidate for the doctoraldegree under my supervision, proposed to research into human devel-opment from the perspective of gender, I readily encouraged her to ex-plore this significant field. To my great pleasure, she has not only suc-cessfully completed her dissertation but also further polished it intothis book.
During her three years doctoral studies, Yang Feng had madegreat efforts to read closely a number of original and translated bookson western feminism and grasped a variety of feminism theories rangingfrom John Stuart Mill and Mary.
Dr,Feng Yang graduated from ZhongshanUniversity in Guangzhou,and now she is anAssociate Professor at Hanshan NormalCollege of Guangdong province,in southeastern China.She is mainly researchinginto basic theories of Marxism and thetheories of feminism.Her academic writinghas appeared in Studies on Taiwan,Moraland Ovilization and TheJournal ofWomensStudies and etc.
Chapter 1 Puzzle of Womens Development In the TransformIng PerIod
Ⅰ.RequIrements of Human Development In the TransformIng PerIod
Ⅱ.Puzzle of Womens Development In the TransformIng PerIod
Ⅲ.BehInd the Puzzle:Reasonable Womens Development
Chapter 2 TheoretIcal AnalysIs of Womens Development
Ⅰ.Gender from the HIstorIcal MaterIalIst VIewpoInt
Ⅱ.Human Development from the Gender PerspectIve
Ⅲ.ParadIgm of Womens Development
Chapter 3 The HIstory of ChInese Womens Development
Ⅰ.CharacterIstIcs of ChInese TradItIonal Gender System
Ⅱ.A Downturn In Gender System and an Upturn In Womens Development In Modern TImes
Ⅲ.ExperIence and CharacterIstIcs of ChInese Womens Development
Ⅳ.A Never EndIng Gender System
Chapter 4 Contemporary Womens Development In ChIna: ConnotatIons and CharacterIstIcs
Ⅰ.CapabIlIty Development WIth OpportunItIes and RestrIctIons
Ⅱ.SocIal Involvement In Womens Role ConflIct
Ⅲ.Womens Image In MultI - culture of Gender ConflIcts : Its Loss and ReconstructIon
Ⅳ.PersonalIty Development In Agreement Wth Subject Aware- ness and FemInIne ConscIousness
Chapter 5 PractIcal Pathway to PromotIng Womens Development
Ⅰ.StrategIc Pathway to Womens Development
Ⅱ.PractIcal Countermeasures to Promote Womens Development
Ⅲ.Empowerment of Women : ImprovIng Womens Development
Reference books